Washington’s Reichstag Fire

Less than a month after the National Socialists came to power in Germany in early 1933, a fire broke out in the Reichstag, Germany’s seat of government. The fire was relatively extensive, gutting the debating chamber itself and destroying the great dome. It was immediately blamed on the communists and used as the justification for sweeping legislation – The Enabling Act – which, at a stroke, did away with the right to free assembly, freedom of speech, freedom of the press and various other liberties. The Enabling Act was the rock upon which Hitler built his church.

Joe, Kamala, Chuck and Nancy couldn’t even wait a month; couldn’t even wait until they had formally taken power.

There are many comparisons to be made between what went down on the 27th of February 1933 and the 6th of January 2021. There are, also, a great many differences. Let’s take a closer look.

The Reichstag fire was not an event that occurred in isolation. Rather, it was the culmination of a generation-long struggle between the Bolsheviks and those intent on thwarting them. Let’s be clear, the NSDAP was a reaction to Bolshevism first and foremost. People that try to argue the Nazis were an expression of the inherent and inexplicable bigotry at the heart of the German character are liars. The idea that German nationalists just wanted to murder all their opponents for no other reason than nationalism breeds hatred, or that genocide lays dormant in the spirit of all white people, just waiting to rear its ugly head, is a falsehood of gigantic proportions. A falsehood at odds with the facts and peddled by those bent on distorting history.

Of course the way in which Hitler’s government cynically used the Reichstag fire as a means to fast track their authoritarian agenda is manifest. The Enabling Act was passed the very next day, obviously it was pre-planned, obviously contrived. Of that I have no doubt.

The fire was officially blamed on a young Dutch communist. Whether his arson was a genuine act of Marxist fervour, in which he was essentially allowed to commit, a completely false flag operation, or a wholesale fiction has never been entirely determined.

Regardless, to argue that Bolshevism hadn’t been trying to rip Germany apart would be disingenuous. To think that the communists wouldn’t have loved to see the Reichstag in flames is naive. The threat they posed was very real, even if it was subsequently exploited. The specific circumstances on the 6th of January were starkly different, despite mirroring the results obtained. To begin with, the threat posed by those who entered the Capitol building apparently did not extend much beyond trespassing. The ‘insurrection’ in Washington D.C. really has been woven from near pure fiction. Nancy and Chuck and their race-baiting minions attempting to paint it as a genuine and sustained threat to democracy. That is a palpable, tangible lie.

The men and women in and around the Capitol building on the 6th of January were no more than concerned patriots, alarmed and dismayed by the direction in which their once great nation is sliding.

Yet these are exactly the type of people that the leftist globalist machine need to demonise and silence. These are the type of people who threaten to pose an implacable resistance to the loss of liberty and ever increasing state mandated censorship. These are the people who are unlikely to forget the evidence of electoral fraud committed against them. So, despite their lack of any significant crimes, they must be characterised as a threat to the very fabric of society. This is a pure inversion of reality. Quite different to the communist threat in Germany in the 1930’s.

The net results are eerily similar though; an unorthodox power grab. Where Hitler used a formal Enabling Act, Joe could just use federal executive orders. Executive orders to simply swamp D.C. with troops and mandate a purge of the institutions of all their political rivals. Joe, unlike Adolf, also enjoyed the partisan support of the Silicon Valley puppet-masters who were able to spin lies and suppress truth to a degree the National Socialists could only dream of.

Now with the false narrative firmly in place, ie, that whites who love their own country are the enemy of progress and democracy, Joe and Kamala and their socialist lapdogs are free to drag the United States in a revolting direction. The direction of authoritarianism.

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