McCarthy Did Nothing Wrong

One of the most wicked and persistent lies the Left tell are those surrounding Senator Joseph McCarthy and the so-called era of McCarthyism. No doubt you’ve all heard the leftist line on old Joe McCarthy. He was some kind of devil, some kind of monster. He hunted down poor innocent people, slandered them, ruined their lives and laughed about it while swigging liquor on the way to Catholic church. He was a drunken beast who was a whisker away from being a fascist and was certainly, at the very least, entirely un-American. So much so, in fact, that his very name is a byword for bigotry; that George Clooney and Hollywood felt the need to make a movie vilifying him fifty years later. That’s how important this false narrative is to them.

The Left lie. That’s what they do. It’s practically all they do. In order for their bizarre upside-down worldview to make even the slightest bit of sense they have to lie about all manner of things; about the human condition, about history, about reality itself. Many of these lies are relatively inconsequential and so absurd they aren’t even worth rebutting (like Michelle Obama is attractive, or that James Corden has talent, for example).

They also aren’t afraid of the big lies. The really big ones. Such as the idea that Mao did more good than harm, or the concept of white privilege/fragility, or that diversity is a strength. Lies that make a mockery of reality and actively undermine and erode Western society.

Now, what if I told you that nearly all of the mainstream McCarthy narratives are lies? What if I told you that not only was McCarthy a perfectly reasonable person, that he certainly did nothing wrong, and that if anything, he was a goddamned hero; a type of super-whistleblower?

And yet, his name and memory are continually dragged through the mire by idiot leftists at every possible turn. People like Jimmy Dore or Rachel Maddow, people like Kyle Kulinski or Don Lemon - know-nothing moron shills. Publications from The Guardian to The Mail, from The Huffington Post to The New York Times - they all seem to agree that he was a force for evil and that what he did was disgusting and wrong.

Lies. Complete lies. For, like nearly everything else the Left subvert and invert, almost the exact opposite is true. Remember this: if you ever hear anyone using McCarthy as shorthand for fascism or tyranny or censorship, remember that you are simply listening to the lies of a communist, or, at the very least, the verbal diarrhea of someone who knows nothing about the Cold War.

Let’s take a look at exactly what was going on during the late nineteen forties and early nineteen fifties, and what Senator McCarthy actually said and did.

Historians whose heart and soul haven’t been completely forfeited to the gods of the Left will tell us the real truth about the early Cold War and the Red Scare and the nature of Stalinist rule. Early nineteen fifty, the year McCarthy made his famous anti-communist speech in Wheeling, West Virginia - which simultaneously marked his rise to national prominence - was a point in history where there really was, genuinely, a grave issue concerning communist infiltration in the very heart of a great many federal departments; particularly the State Department which was crucial in the fight against the worldwide spread of communism. Of this there is no question; no doubt. It is a matter of documented fact. With the release of post-war Soviet archives we now know without qualification that there were deep and extensive Russian espionage operations within the War Department, the State Department, the War Production Board, the Office of Strategic Services (OSS - precursor of the CIA) and the Office of The President of The United States itself. And that is only to name the biggest and most obviously dangerous lapses in counter-espionage. So let’s be clear: it was not paranoid to fear ‘reds under the bed’ in the early nineteen fifties. It was not tyrannical or fascistic to fear that large and important branches of the federal apparatus were indeed being infiltrated and subverted by a Stalinist influence.

Those today that want to paint McCarthyism as entirely devoid of legitimacy, as nothing more than an un-American witch hunt, weirdos like Cenk Uygur or Brian Stelter, are either actively distorting history or are entirely ignorant of the facts - or a combination of the two.

Just one example of the indisputable fact that the Soviets were actively infiltrating the most sensitive areas of the US establishment is that of Julius and Ethel Rosenberg. This is the story of a married couple who helped steal the secrets of the A-bomb from Los Alamos and delivered them into the hands of Stalin. Very briefly, the physicist Klaus Fuchs stole information about nuclear weapon design and radar and sonar and jet propulsion, handed it off to Harry Gold, who passed it to Dovid Greenglass, who passed it to Julius Rosenberg, who passed it on to his Soviet intelligence handlers. Everyone mentioned above were eventually caught, and ultimately Julius and Ethel Rosenberg were sent to the electric chair for spying and treason.

The facts above are all beyond doubt. Though the Rosenbergs were easily convicted in a court of law, the subversive socialists and truly anti-American Madison Avenue types tried to insist for years that the Rosenbergs had been innocent and the victims of a misguided hysteria or outright antisemitism. Arrant nonsense, of course. The release of transcripts from the Venona project years later finally put an end to such claims.

So, the idea that McCarthy was a lunatic, hellbent on destroying innocent people’s lives in order to further his political career, is a revolting distortion of the truth. Again, it was not just Los Alamos that was compromised, it was many departments of the US government. Most notably for McCarthy, it was the State Department that he was most concerned about. The State Department, the US equivalent of the Foreign Office, responsible for foreign affairs and foreign policy. McCarthy simply wanted those suspected of treason and espionage to answer for themselves, and if needs be, removed from their posts. Perfectly reasonable under the laws designed and passed by Truman, a Democrat.

McCarthy did not persecute and harass individual actors and playwrights. If any particular body could be accused of that (which is dubious, as they did in fact uncover plenty of legitimate Hollywood pinkos) it was the House Un-American Activities Committee. That is to say, a congressional body which predates McCarthy’s hearings by many years. McCarthy was a senator, so he had very little to do with that congressional body. So when lefty liars try to claim Joe McCarthy needlessly persecuted poor innocent writers and actors, they are being disingenuous. Feel free to correct them.

The State Department and the Treasury Department in nineteen fifty had Soviet moles riddled throughout its ranks. Some even at the very top. Harry Dexter White, Alger Hiss and John Service to name but three. Incidentally, the British establishment was just as compromised: Kim Philby, Guy Burgess and the whole Cambridge Five spring to mind.

Hopefully, it is starting to become clear that McCarthy did nothing wrong. He was merely attempting to blow the whistle on a vast and unchecked programme of Soviet infiltration at the very heart of the US policymaking machine. It is starting to become clear that those who seek to malign him and what he attempted to do are the same types that wish to see Western civilisation annihilated. They are the same types that sometimes claim to love America and her freedoms and liberties but actually despise them and work to undermine them on as many levels as possible. Leftists. 

Often, McCarthyism is reduced to a soundbite - that of McCarthy himself asking witnesses if they “Are now, or have ever been, a member of the Communist Party?” A charge significantly more weighty in the early fifties, when the Party was taking orders, in essence, directly from the Kremlin. Even to ask is apparently beyond the pale. Merely asking this question to people in the State Department who have significant questions to answer - who often chose to plead the 5th - is somehow terribly un-American and basically the same as a Nazi show trial. Somehow, McCarthy trying to clean the federal government of Soviet spies is qualitatively the same as a Salem witch trial. This is of course hysterical leftist nonsense, again. McCarthy was doing the job of a true patriot, a real American. He was doing the job of a conscientious senator who was watching his government be subverted from within while little was being done to slow or prevent it.

Regarding those who seek to demonise McCarthy, just remember that they are not interested in the fact that the US government was infiltrated and compromised, but rather to ridicule and destroy those who dared to point it out.  

Modern people that use McCarthy’s name and legacy as a means of expressing a general slide towards fascism or uncontrolled right-wing censorship or authoritarianism in general are people who have practically zero historical knowledge or perspective; and that is being generous to them. More likely, they are crypto-communists or outright enemies of America. Be suspicious whenever you see it happening. Be aware that reality is being distorted and subverted; that history is being warped in the favour of leftist political deviants. McCarthy did nothing except try to protect his nation from Stalinists. He did nothing wrong. In fact, he had more guts and moral conviction than nearly all other politicians of his day. The United States of America could use a handful of men like McCarthy today.

